Let he who doesn’t see race the way Whoopi does cast the first stone.

We All See Race the Way Whoopi Does

Her lenses are our lenses

C. Seals
3 min readFeb 3, 2022


Whoopi Goldberg’s comments about the Holocaust is another instance that proves race is undoubtedly a social construct, an idea, that has no biological merit and is relative to the observer.

Hitler believed that Jews were a race that needed to be exterminated for creation of a ‘Master Race.’

Judaism is not a race. But from Hitler’s point of view, Jews were, to him a subhuman one, therefore the Holocaust was an act of racism.

Whoopi’s comments came from a place of how we as Americans are conditioned to view race: Black, White, Brown, Asian, and variations of ‘Mixed.’

Visible, surface differences.

In the U.S., the majority of Jews consider themselves White, although they weren’t seen that way as waves of Jewish immigrants arrived between 1820–1924. However, they fought to attain the social label and status of Whiteness and were successful in doing so, along with other White-Ethnic immigrant groups (Polish, Italian, Irish, etc.).

From Whoopi’s point of view, which is based in our American conditioning and what Jewish people here fought to attain, Jews are White. Therefore, the Holocaust doesn’t look like an act of racism on it its surface — it looks like an evil act of human genocide imposed…



C. Seals

I have to live this kind of life, to write the things I need to write.