You’ll Save Me from a Burning Car

But still won’t see me as your equal

C. Seals
4 min readApr 24, 2022
Photo by Matt Hearne on Unsplash

A while back, a guy posted a Twitter thread where he flexed about shaming his racist father-in-law during a family dinner.

From what I recall, his father-in-law (let’s call him Gus) owned a business and refused to hire Black and Brown people. Gus shared this, and a few more of his prejudices, in the place where racists feel most comfortable: The dinner table.

After Gus’ rant, his son-in-law (let’s call him Brian) mustered the courage to unleash an angry tirade of displeasure at Gus’ racist beliefs in front of everyone.

Brian also mentioned that he felt bad about doing it because Gus was “a nice and considerate man despite his beliefs.”

The Likes and Retweets of Brian’s story were in the tens of thousands. The outpouring of comments made it seem like he’d defeated worldwide racism in his stand against Gus.

As expected, a majority of the commenters were White, so the outpouring of gratitude wasn’t surprising.

My perspective of the situation was different, so I dropped my two cents into the Fountain of White triumph:

I told him that while his stand was commendable, it didn’t do any good for the people Gus continued denying employment to. His defiance…



C. Seals

I have to live this kind of life, to write the things I need to write.